Wednesday, January 21, 2009


it is quite beautiful though

I don't like the snow. There, I said it. I've never really like it. When we lived in Florida for 7 1/2 years, we obviously had 70 degree winters. Then we moved here and it would snow MAYBE once a year. I think I've played in it ONCE the 14 years I've lived here. I'm not a fan. That being said, here are some pictures. It seems Mia has taken after her Mother in the "I HATE SNOW" area. She would get all bundled up with Kalea and then just stand at the window to watch. Kalea really loved it. She had a bit of a melt down when she fell in the snow twice with bare hands. Christian loved it too, it was like watching a big kid out there.

kalea and christian's snow angels

sliding down the snow filled slide

kcs and chs

don't let her grin fool you, she didn't want to be outside

this is one of my favorite pictures. christian made mia do a snow angel. she was NOT happy


kenzie said...

I think the thing about NC snow is that you feel obligated to play in it because it's so scarce. The best part is the hot chocolate, though.:)

Unknown said...

hahahaha. you have more snow than us.

Lisa and company said...

I am soooo with you on the not liking snow thing. I didn't even touch it. I went outside for like five minutes to take a few pictures for posterity and then I was done.

Crystal and Brad Barger said...

I forced Spencer to do a snow angel as well. He HATED it and I loved it. I knocked him down and he really was just face down in the snow.