Sunday, January 18, 2009


Things that make me feel Gratified:

There are many things that gratify me right now. Like my newborn (5 months is still newborn right?) falling asleep in my arms while i play computer games.

Sleeping children. Obedient children. Happy Children.

A happy husband. There's a saying, "If the mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy." Same goes for the daddy.

My church calling. I teach the Valiant 6 year old class. They're a handful, but there's nothing more gratifying to know that they listen have learned something important from you and the teachings of the church.

Good friends that you can be YOURSELF around. Sometimes it's hard to find people you're 100% comfortable around.

Also we just had the most amazing blessing in our lives right now. For months GSK has told us that Christian will NOT be receiving any sort of raise of promotion. It was very hard on our family. We had planned Landen around a pay increase that we never received. So after many pennies being pinched and lots of luxuries that we have gone without, Christian has gotten some great news. The Company decided to give Christian and amazing promotion. We feel so unbelievably blessed for him to have received this promotion especially during times like these. When most people are losing jobs and companies are failing, we know if you put your trust in the Lord and follow his commandments that you will truly be blessed. Sometimes I sit back and wonder "why do I deserve to be so happy and so blessed?" It's a hard thing sometimes to just say "thank you" without being completely overwhelmed and humbled by this type of experience. We have always kind of struggled in the money department. It's always been more important for us to have a happy healthy family rather then STUFF. The Lord knows the desires of your heart and the needs of your family. I have a strong testimony that you will be blessed if you are obedient and faithful.


Alice said...

Yay! Congratulations on Christian's promotion. Last we heard, it didn't sound like it was going to happen. I know he's a hard worker and I'm sure they recognize that. Thanks for the sweet gratitude post. It's a good reminder for me. It's so easy to get caught up in what you don't have.

Fisher Crew said...

Loved your thoughts and testimony. Congrats to Christian on his promotion!

Truelove Family said...

Congratulations! What a nice birthday surprise. Christian is a valuable employee and I'm so glad his efforts are recognized and rewarded. You're right... the Lord will bless you as put your trust in Him. Your family will continue to be blessed both spiritually and temporally as you continue to make valiant efforts to raise a righteous family. So glad to hear the good news.