Friday, January 30, 2009


This is about nothing in particular. I think my life is pretty normal, pretty easy. There are things in it that make me smile like no other though. I always wonder what people think about Christian and I. I don't think we're like most ordinary couples.... if there is such a thing. But when I compare us to his siblings who are married... we are very different from them. For example.... the BANTER. We are constantly trying to one up each other. I remember when we were dating and I thought Christian's jokes were always so corny. But the longer he's been married to me, the funnier he's gotten. I don't take responsibility for this... ok maybe a little of it.

The other day Christian came home from work and went to the grocery store with Kalea after dinner. When he got home he put away the food and was about to go to bed. I asked him to put the dishes away before he went to bed. Here's what I got:

Christian: I mean, it's not like I've been home all day!
Kristy: I know, but it'd be nice if you'd help me with the house work every once in awhile.
Christian: That's fine, but it's the WAY you ask me, it's your tone.
Kristy: Well, I apologize for my tone.
Christian: I don't accept if it doesn't include sex.
Kristy: Good, cause I didn't mean it anyway!

Christian: Hey, do you know where my Aquafresh Whitening Trays are?
Kristy: Ummm... probably in a landfill somewhere.
Christian: You threw them away?!
Kristy: Yeah, you haven't used them in like a YEAR! But you can use my Crest Whitestrips if you want to.
Christian: OH you mean the ones that you haven't used in like a year!
(touche) I think he won that round.

I've also discovered recently that I DO NOT like Cheerwine. It's been popping up around me lately, so I thought alright I'll try it. NASTY STUFF. It tastes like watered down Cherry Coke with a hint of Cough Syrup. I can't handle it. It's disgusting. You can have your Cheerwine.

Mia likes to tell me that I'm her bwest bwend. It's very sweet. She also tells me I'm a princess. When she's mad at me, she tells me that I AM NOT A PRINCESS. ouch!

Kalea likes to come up to me and say, "Mommy, I'm going to tell you the truth." And then she continues by tattling on her sister. I think she's trying to decipher the difference between a lie and a true statement.

I also love that Landen is incapable of smiling with opening up his mouth. It is so adorable. He reminds me of a muppet baby. I told Christian that and he said, "what's a muppet baby." I swear, you think he grew up in the stone age.

Lastly, I made my mom cry. Not a teenager slam a door in your face cry either. I made her proud.... and she cried. I invited a guy to church and bore my testimony to him. I think it hit her all at once that I'm not the same person that I used to be and she was very overwhelmed by that. Which made me feel good. I try really hard to be a good person now days. I want to be the kind of person that when my kids grow up they can say... MY MOM ROCKS!


Lisa and company said...

You do rock!!!!

Alice said...

Your kids already think you rock! I mean, hello, you're a princess!

Three Men and a Little Lady said...

I just love your posts. They are so enjoyable to read. For what it's worth, I think you and Christian sound very normal, you'd be surprised how very much other people do the same things. Everyone things because Scott and I pick at each other sometimes that's bad, but it's the way we flirt seriously. Anyhow, I think you guys are great together.

Crystal and Brad Barger said...

I don't think there really is a 'normal'. Everyone has different personalities in general so you mix them up with a marriage...and it is what it is! I mean think anyone else in our family is normal? Really? Really? Think about each of us; we have our quirks for sure! We are all weirdos ha ha ha

Truelove Family said...

It's healthy that you can be fiesty & sarcastic... a sign of a stable relationship. We were more like that in our early marriage, but as the kids get older (and us too) the sarcasm is less dominant due to the need to show increased respect in conversation, especially when kids are around (which is more often than not). I don't want my kids being ruthless to each other (or me), so it's important to set that example. Keeping humor in a marriage is a key to happiness, so the changes will occur naturally over time... just enjoy these early years of marriage and keep laughing. Love you! Cherre

Jessica Alo said...

I love the bribing. That works for me once and a while.
Your kids are growing up so fast. Your stories you tell are so precious. You my dear have becoming a mother to look up to. Lots have changed over the years and in your case and mine, all for the better.