Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Well, Mia got her cast off and has upgraded to a boot.... awweesssommmeee.

She's not thrilled with the idea but does seem to be a little happier without the cast. She did really well when they sawed it off. She just buried her head into her blankie while I held her. She also had to have more Xrays done. This time Christian couldn't be there since he had tons of meetings today, so she had to tough it out alone without me ( pregnancy + xray = no bueno). She did really well though. What a tough little girl she is.

Anyways, she only needs to wear the boot for the next week. She may not have needed it at all, but since she wouldn't walk for the Doctor he decided it was best to put her in the boot.

Ahhh... just one more week... hang in there Landen.... don't come too early.

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