Monday, August 1, 2011


I figure I should blog about Alana’s birth story before I forget all of the details. Our newest little princess was born on Tuesday, July 26th at 1:41pm. She was 7lbs 2 oz. My biggest baby by one ounce! I was only in labor for 5 1/2 hours and delivery took 7 minutes! And here’s how it went…

I had informed my OB practice that Christian would be starting Medical School on August 8th. We wanted to make sure this little girl was born before school started and insurance ran out. So we scheduled my induction for Tuesday. I was REALLY hoping to go into labor before then but it didn’t happen. Which turned out to be kind of a blessing because everyone ended up getting a stomach bug and we didn’t want a new baby around all that. Feeling weak from the stomach bug, I ended up getting a really good night’s sleep Monday night for my induction early Tuesday. Christian and I showed up at the hospital around 7:30. I filled out paperwork and headed up stairs after 8am sometime. I don’t think my labor actually started until after 9am sometime. And I don’t really count it because they hooked me up to Pitocin and my contractions were every 10 min or so. Obviously nothing exciting. The anesthesiologist came in and gave me my epidural and then Dr. Bernstein broke my water. That’s when the REALLY FUN stuff starting happening. Apparently my epidural only worked on my left side because I could feel EVERYTHING on my right side. I’m a liar, not fun at all. They called the anesthesiologist back in and he upped my dosage a bunch of times and they rolled me to my right side which worked… and just in time. Within minutes I knew it was time and boy was I ready. The doctor barely had time to get his gloves on before she came. What’s even better is that Christian was REALLY involved this time. He saw EVERYTHING. Everything that he’s hidden from behind my bed during the other 3 previous deliveries with the kids. He even cut the umbilical cord. Dr. Bernstein is a “teaching doctor” and did his residency at UNC so he and Christian had lots to chat about. I can safely say this is one of the easiest deliveries I’ve had and to see our little angel was amazing.


She’s a squirmy little thing. When people would ask me if she kicked a lot… it’s was more like full on gymnastics. She’s definitely a Simpson/Alo mix. I can tell with her little personality that she wants what she wants… and she wants it NOW. A few people have said she favors Mia the most. It should be interesting to see how much she changes and really get to know her. The kids adore her already… as do her parents.                                          IMG_0013

Some of the highlights:

  • I was asked on 3 different occasions if I was Hispanic or Cuban.
  • Christian talked with my OB for an hour or so about medical school and gave him different tips or advice. As did my Anesthesiologist. Through Christian’s perspective I’m pretty sure this labor was much more “productive” than just waiting around for me to pop the bay out.
  • Our nurse thought we were the funniest and cutest couple. She was right.
  • Everyone thought this was our first baby. When we said it was our 4th jaws dropped. I think it really confuses people.
  • Favorite phrase: “Most moms want the slime.” (In reference to when the baby comes out. I like them to be wrapped up first before I hold them.)

The kids came to visit me at the hospital. They absolutely adored their sister at first sight. They also like the free graham crackers and apple juice they got from the nurse. They played and hung out with me for a little while and then headed back home with daddy. Being at the hospital was like a vacation to me, because I knew as soon as I got home the real work would begin.



We’ll have to do a family picture soon when we get a chance. Our little family isn’t so little anymore. We’re a big family of SIX! What a great number. Smile



miriam said...

Yea! What a cute story. What day are you moving in? I want to see you when you move in to Baity Hill! Congratulations on #4!

Jaclyn M said...

She is so adorable!!! I love your blog! The way you phrase things makes me smile. Congrats on your sweet little one

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, I just love catching up on your blog! hilarious! I almost peed on myself when you said people asked if you were Cuban or Hispanic... glad to here things are well with your new place.