Wednesday, August 24, 2011


We’ve now been living in Chapel Hill for a little over a week. It has been a bit of an adjustment, but not really as much as I originally thought. The day we moved in the girls found little friends to play with in the hall way. All I have to do is prop the door open and peak out to keep an eye on them. It started off as 2-3 friends. Now when I peak out there can be up to 8-10 kids all running and playing. They take their scooters and ride their bikes. It’s pretty funny. Kalea has actually learned to ride a two-wheeler (without training wheels) in the hall. There are certain rules they have to obey and if they break those rules then they aren’t allowed out the next day. It’s been pretty awesome for them.

Christian has started Medical School and has dived in face first. I think it’s a bit overwhelming at times. He has class from 8am until 3pm or 5pm, depending on the day. It’s a lot like having a full time job except when he’s home he locks himself away to read, study, and watch lectures. At least he’s home. I ask for help when I absolutely need it, but for the most part we try and leave him alone. He seems a tad bit stressed but he likes to be challenged. Ask… and ye shall receive.

I’ve just been trying to balance 4 kids, keeping a tidy home (much easier with such little space), keeping up with laundry (not as easy with 6 people in the family). It hasn’t been too bad. Baby Alana LOVES to be held. The minute I put her down she’s wide awake and not happy. She is such a little snuggler. Her nights have gotten much better where she doesn’t have long stretches of fussiness. I’m, of course, not getting much sleep but certainly happy to have a happier baby. However, dinner time is he her new fussy time. This basically forces Christian to take a break while I make dinner. It’s just one big balancing act.

The girls start school this week! Mia got to meet her new teacher and see her school as a big Kindergartener. She’s excited but was a bit shy when she met her teacher. I’m sure she’ll come out of her shell in a week or so. Kalea met her teacher too (both teachers are SUPER young and new). Kalea looked like an old pro and felt totally in her element. Kalea goes for the first day on Thursday. Mia follows on Friday with a half day and then a full schedule on Monday. The only rough part is that their school starts SO EARLY. Oh well, I’m up anyways.

Landen is doing well. He loves to run the halls with his sisters. He’s become a little more impatient with everyone, which probably just comes with the territory of being 3. He’s a handful at times, but is still my sweet little man. He got all 3 Toy Story movies and guess what we’ve been watching non-stop since. It’ll be interesting to see how he does when his sisters are gone all day. He may really love having the one on one time with me. I know I’m looking forward to it (minus the help. the girls are a HUGE help).

Well, that pretty much sums it up. Nothing earth shattering but exciting and new.

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