Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Landen Makoa Simpson is here! He was born on August 18th at 3:42 pm weighing in at 7lbs and 1 oz. He measured 21 inches long. He's healthy and wonderful! We are really excited to welcome him into our family.
After a long weekend of false labor pains and irregular contractions, my OB had me come in early on Monday morning to check me out and see where how my pregnancy was progressing. I had been dilated to 3 cm and 80% effaced. So since things were coming along they decided to break my water and get my into real labor. (I had been in prelabor all weekend!) So I was sooo thankful to them for being willing to put me into labor. I was admitted to the hospital at 10:30 a.m. and they broke my water at 11:30. My contractions were really intense for about an hour where I dilated from a 3 to a 6. My awesome nurse, Elisa, hunted down a anesthesiologist and found one very quickly. He had a hard time with the epidural and it took a little longer then usual, but it was VERY effective once it was in. So we waited around for about 2 1/2 hours until 3:00 where I was finally dilated to a 10. 42 minutes later, Landen was born!
He makes the cutest little grunting noises and sounds like a little squeak toy. He is a mix of Christian and I and has a Hawaiian look with a Simpson twist. He's absolutely beautiful to me! Thanks to all of you for all of the Well Wishes. I have the best most supportive family and friends and love all of you dearly!
Kalea has really stepped up as a big sister and just adores Landen. She's been sad when she has to leave the hospital without Landen is ready to bring him home. She loves to hold him and even told me she could do it by herself. I definitely corrected that statement quickly. Mia on the other hand, hasn't paid too much attention to her little brother. I'm sure all of that may change soon.
What a BIG family!

Excited Daddy!

Mommy, Kalea and Landen

My 3 beautiful children!


Brittney said...

Ive been waiting for these pictures!! How exciting! I cant wait to see him in person. Im glad everything went well...congrats hes soo beautiful.

leah said...

oh how i love new babies!!!
(and boys, i'm especially fond of for some reason) ;)

i'm so thrilled for you! what a perfect little family picture you have there, my dear!

let me know if you need anything. i'd be more than happy to take some pictures. :) just say when. :)

Chapman Family said...

Yeah!!!! Congrat's! I hope everyone is doing well! We are all very happy for you! Michelle

Ross and Rachel said...

Congratulations! You have such a beautiful family!

Heidi said...

Congrats! What a sweet looking liitle boy!

Crystal and Brad Barger said...

I can't wait to see Landen. I heard he is adorable from everyone though. Spencer's temp just went away today and we will get over soon to visit.

Erin Marriott said...

I loved visiting you guys last night! He is such a beautiful baby, and I can't get over how tiny his little toes are! It's so weird how you forget. You, my dear, look so great. I can't believe you JUST had a baby. I'm so glad he's so healthy, and I can't believe you are now a family of 5! What a beautiful family, congratulations.