Friday, August 22, 2008


So we initially thought that Mia would have a horrible time adjusting to Landen and that Kalea was going to be a breeze with it all. And we got it half way right... Mia has adjusted really well. She's now JUST becoming interested in Landen. But she has really stepped up to being a big girl and a big sister. She doesn't mind when I'm nursing the baby and she has to wait until I can help her with something. Granted, Christian has been home to help out a lot with the girls so it hasn't been solely on me. I've been able to take naps and sleep in a little bit with him home so that has helped out tremendously. It was no surprise that Kalea would be really excited about having a baby in the house. She's always really loved babies. But I have to say that I'm feeling a little claustrophobic with her attached to my hip. However, if Landen is in his swing then she will just watch him sleep... so it's not so much me, but him. A couple of times I've had to tell her that I need just a little bit of space. She also has to be told not to touch the baby so much. Especially if he's trying to sleep. She thinks I'm mean when I tell her to knock it off.... but she needs to know her boundaries with him or I'd find her holding him at the top of the stairs with one hand or something crazy like that. Ok maybe not, but it feels like it sometimes.

Landen has been such an easy baby so far. He definitely tells you when he's mad. He hates to be wet or stinky but really doesn't like getting his diaper changed either. It's a lose lose. He's starting to gain back the weight he lost a birth and has been eating really well for me. He makes the funniest little faces that Christian and I just crack up at. He's absolutely adorable and I can't help but kiss all over his little face. I do have to say that it was a weird adjustment to think that he was MY baby. I would think to myself that I shouldn't kiss on him like I do, but then I realized that I COULD. I just love and adore this little boy already :)


Unknown said...

I can't wait to meet him! I'm so excited there's another boy in the family so Noa won't have to play princesses and dress ups when we come visit!

Brittney said...

He is soo beautiful... i know its hard to tell when their newborns... but i totally think he looks a lot like you, especially his nose! Anyway im glad that everything went well. I will call you soon when everything settles down.

leah said...

What a great post! I can totally picture the "top of the stair" incident. yeah. not fun. ;) i remember when jackson was my 20 month old and brady was my newborn, finding that jackson had intended to pick up a sleeping brady (on the couch) and ended up dropping him (of course, i was not there to monitor the situation) and how totally horrible i felt. i cried and cried that day. LOL!

take care, hun. :)