Saturday, November 22, 2008


So last night a bunch of girls from church went to see Twilight.  I was SOO excited and antsy for this movie.  I've read all of the books twice and absolutely LOVE them.  Christian thinks I'm such a dork:)  We had such a fun time going and watching all the overly hormonal teenage girls squeal and act like... well... teenagers.  Was Twilight my favorite movie of all time? No, most definitely not.  Was it good?  At parts I really liked it.  There were definitely some cool action fight scenes.  I guess because I like the emotional depth that the books portray, I had a hard time connecting to the movie cause it seemed so much more shallow then the book.  However, I would definitely go and see it again.  And yes, I probably will buy the DVD when it comes out.

* waiting for the movie to start *

* Leah asked somebody 2 rows to take a picture.  Hilarious! *

* Ben and Jerry's... sooo yummy! *

Favorite Parts of the Evening:

1.Cutting in line to get good seats.  We're going to have to go to the Bishop for this one. :)
2.  At one point there is no talking in the whole movie (just music) for like a full minute.  Some teenage girls were giggling... someone yelled "shut up".  And I thought to myself... "YEAH! CAUSE I CAN'T HEAR THE DIALOGUE".  relax people.
3.  Watching Angie swoon over Edward Cullen :)
4. The baseball scene. love it.
5.  Anticipation of the whole experience

1 comment:

natals said...

Yeah, those girls were pretty twittery, weren't they?