Saturday, November 1, 2008


The night before Halloween we carved a pumpkin with the kids.  I don't ever remember doing that with my family as a kid.... my mom wasn't really into Halloween.  But Christian knew exactly what to do.  What I do remember is that I don't like the smell of pumpkins when you're scooping all the gross stuff out.  I distinctly remember saying, "Ew, that stinks."  And right after Kalea gags and was completely grossed out. Christian thinks I put the thought in her head, but they really do stink.  Mia was quite scared of the insides.  It was funny to watch her run away.  So of course I had to catch her and stick her hand down the middle.  Hopefully I didn't traumatize her.  

It was such a beautiful day outside so the girls took some cute pictures in their little Halloween shirts.  They crack me up!

Christian got the girl's witch costumes for a great deal!  He also found mine for a really good deal.  We thought it was going to be a little bit big on me but it fit perfectly.  I think he was hoping it would fit a little bit smaller *wink*wink*

3 witches, 1 cowboy, and a baby Jaguar (like on Diego... according to Mia)

The girls had a great time trick or treating.  My parents (Alo's) came over and hung out with us and then helped me take the kids out while Christian stayed behind to hand out candy.  It started to get cold and Landen got a bit fussy so they took him back early.  Mia was a little bit scared in the beginning but warmed up rather quickly to everything.  She's so funny.  Kalea had so much fun that she didn't want to wait for Mia since she's slower paced then her big sister.  I had to keep telling her to slow down.  I'm relieved to say that they didn't get too much candy.  


Crystal and Brad Barger said...

The girls outfits really are cute. I love your outfit too! That is fun that you both dress up. Brad and I will have to do that next year. Glad you had fun.

Sarah said...

You guys looked fantastic! Great costumes = )