Monday, November 17, 2008


The older you get the faster your memory fades. I do pride myself in having a FANTASTIC long term memory. But when I want to post stuff I always seem to forget the fun stuff. So I decided to write some of the things down so I wouldn't forget. TAKE THAT Crappy Short Term Memory!! So is just a hodgepodge of things that I have found entertaining recently.

Christian bought catfish. Yes, that's right... catfish. I've never eaten, smelled, or craved this particular fish.... ever. But it was on sale, which of course means Christian has to buy it. So I looked up a recipe on my favorite recipe site and looked a recipe for catfish. It sounded ok and it got a lot of really good reviews so I decided to try it. HUGE, GIGANTIC, HORRIBLE MISTAKE. Here was my first clue... it contained 2 tsp. of Cayenne pepper and 2 tsp. of black pepper among other things. When I seared this fish of cat it put a huge amount of *something* in their air and we all started coughing up a storm. Ok... if that wasn't bad enough... we ate it. Well, Christian ate it (and nicknamed it Volcano Fish). It was soooo stinkin spicy that I took one bite and almost died... literally. Ok, not literally, but I couldn't eat it especially since I'm nursing Landen and I didn't want him to have a heart attack from it. So I made something frozen, the girls ate chicken nuggets, and Christian ate Volcano Fish of Cat. Did I mention I also ruined the rice? How do you ruin rice? Very carefully....

Can I just tell you how entertaining Mia can be. One of my favorite things about her is her imagination. She can take ANYTHING and make it a person (personification, if you will.) She'll do this with my cooking oil and vinegar on the bottom of the pantry and personify them. She'll do it with shoes, money(change), dolls of course. She has the best imagination and can suck you right in with her. The other day we were walking downstairs together and she looked at me and said, "Mommy, shhhh... don't wake the jaguar." So we had to tiptoe past the Jaguar and did our best not to wake him up. She also has this little black and brown puppy that she takes everywhere. It makes a very specific sound and if you don't get it right then she'll correct you in a heart beat. It goes something like this : wup wup (slurp slurp). But you have to make the slurp slurp noise. And you can't say ruff ruff or bark bark... it is WUP WUP (high pitched). Mia has perfected this noise and Christian and I are quickly learning how to do it correctly. Kalea, however, has failed miserably.

Can I just gloat for a minute about my cute, adorable, chunky, chubby, happy baby. Landen is such a wonderful baby!! I just adore him. He's gotten so chubby that a smile barely fits between his fat little cheeks. I just want to kiss and squeeze his little nugget face (as Brit would say) all day long. And I do... in between feedings, burping, and napping. I just started putting him in his Bumbo see and he LOVES it. He just looks around with his slightly unstable bobbing head. You can literally hold a conversation with him for about 20 minutes and he'll just coo right back at you. I could not imagine life with out him!

And lastly I have to say that I had such a fun time when my Grandparents came in town last week. If you've never had the pleasure of meeting my Grandpa Allen, you are missing out on something fantastic. This man will literally say anything. And what's funny is you can't blame it on old age either, he's always said what he wants. For example: At church on Sunday my mom was introducing a missionary to me that used to be in her ward. As most of you know, my mother and I look NOTHING alike. So my mom was making a joke about it and here comes Grandpa out of left field and says, "This is my granddaughter. Can't you tell." And pulls his eyes all slanty like a 5th grader. And leave it to him to swear... not just around me... around anyone. He just kinda lets it fly and it cracks us all up. Completely uncensored. ahhh... good times.


Lisa and company said...

Wow Mia sounds just like Kailyn. We laugh cause even her hands and feet become people- Crayons even carry on conversations as they color.
and hahahaha about the catfish. Too funny!

Christy said...

I LOVE your description of Landen's face! Especially the part about his chubby cheeks and smile. I could stare at chubby baby faces all day. I love hearing the stories of your wonderful family. Thanks!!