Thursday, June 12, 2008


My Grandparents (on my mom's side) came into visit from Washington State all last week. We had an Awesome time with them in town. Like always, Mia was a little skeptical and had a harder time warming up but in the end, she really enjoyed being with her Great Grandparents. My Grandpa loved playing with the girls and it's so great for me to watch them together.
Kalea getting a Piggy Back Ride from Great Grandpa

Mia's Turn!

My Grandma reading while Grandpa looks on at the TV

Princess dresses my Grandma made

While my Grandma was here we had a couple of projects that I thought would be fun to work on together. Ok... to be honest, my mom and my grandma did all the work. I wasn't much help at all. I picked out the fabric and did some ironing but that was about it. They're so much more talented then me in that area. Sorry guys for being so useless! Here are some pictures of their accomplishments! The cape looking items are Hooter Hiders... which my mom hates saying so it was even more funny for me to watch her force out of her mouth. And the second is a baby sling. It has a really soft fabric on the inside and a crazy japanese print on the outside. I really love them all. Thanks Again Mom and Grandma!!


Crystal and Brad Barger said...

Those are all really pretty. They should go into business.

Ross and Rachel said...

Hey Kristi,
My sister in law is about to have her first little one and she was talking about how nice it would be if she had something that actually attached at her neck for when she was nursing... Do you have any patterns for the hooter hiders or for the baby sling? If so, where did you get them?