Saturday, May 3, 2008

Passy Broken

So I finally did it. I took away Mia's pacifier on Wednesday. It's been pretty stressful around here. I think we must have had 10-15 pacifiers all over the house that I slowly threw away. Then when I knew we were down to just one I snipped the end when she wasn't around. That night we went to have Scriptures and she put it in her mouth. She looked at it kind of funny and brought it up to me and said, "Mommy, I broke passy." I felt really guilty but just kept telling her that I was sorry it was broken. That night she didn't sleep until after 10:30. It was really hard. (I tried not to have a panic attack.) Nobody tells you that not only is it hard for the child, but it was such a comfort for her to have it for the BOTH of us. It makes me feel really sad to see her "best friend" gone. She was soooo attached. Each night since has gotten better. Almost every night she's cried for at least 20 minutes. It breaks my heart and can be extremely frustrating since you can't exactly reason with a 2 year old to stop crying. Did I mention that the first night Christian got home around 9 from his softball game and went into Mia's room to calm her down. He came back downstairs about 30 minutes later and I asked him what he was doing up there. He said, "I don't know... she just was just talking to me." It's so cute to me that Mia had so much to say to her Daddy. After about 10 more minutes of her crying Christian went up there with an ice cream sandwich. I don't know if it helped or made things worse that he kept going in there but I love that it shows that he has a tender spot for his little girl.

Anyways, Mia's doing better. The crying isn't as extensive and she seems to be adjusting alright. She still asks for it every day. And them some days she just simply comes up to me and says "Passy's broken" and then walks away. It's like she's reminding me that she hasn't quite forgotten but that she's coping with the fact. I just hope that in 3 1/2 to 4 months from now she won't want it at all... cause that's when her baby brother gets here. I remember the feeling of being sad when I was pregnant with Mia and Kalea was only 2. It was hard for me to let go of Kalea being the "baby". I'm definitely feeling that way again. I still look at Mia as my baby but I know that I need to let her grow up and now slow her down. She talks so much now. She's constantly cracking us up with little things she does and says.

Here are some of our favorites that Mia says:

"babysoup"- bathing suit
"shhh! quiet"
"Kay-ya time out!" - that's her telling Kalea to go to time out
"goos" - shoes
"ah welcome" - you're welcome
"mawoo powa" - Lucky Charms (they call it Marshmallow Power)


Crystal and Brad Barger said...

Mia is so adorable! It is funny that she thinks she broke it. I can only imagine how tough it is. You are doing a good job and a great Mother.

Alice said...

I like the marshmallow power quote. I think Hayden wishes we had more marshmallow power around here. Mia is such a sweet girl - hang in there with the broken passy. It's so worth it.

Heidi said...

I am gonna be going through the same thing soon. Once seminary is done for the year, I am going to work on breaking the paci habit with Autumn (and myself). I hope it gets better for you soon. I know it will be torture for me ;)

Lindsay said...

Mia, Mia, that is all I hear around our house from Kaitlyn. Can we please get together soon so I can make my daughter happy?! Hope you had a great Mother's Day!