Monday, May 12, 2008


Well I am exactly 25 weeks today. And because I am unbelievably optimistic that I will go into labor 2 weeks early (like I did with Kalea and Mia) I'm aiming for August 11th-ish. I only have 3 more months! However, for some reason I have been way more stressed with this pregnancy. With Kalea I think I was just blissfully unaware of what was to come. For Mia I kind of knew what to expect since I already had a girl. But I feel like a boy is a whole new ball game. I have been so easily stressed out with this pregnancy with things that normally wouldn't stress me out. Anywhere from picking a name to how in the world are we doing to afford all of these boy clothes, blankets, etc. It hasn't been easy since Christian has been getting a kick out of not wanting to talk about boy names. Every time I would bring it up his response would be, "I already know what I'm going to name IT" and that's all I would get. And then my blood pressure would rise. However, this Sunday has been a major breakthrough for me. I finally got him to tell me what name he wanted to name the baby... which I'm not going to disclose since it's not final. It was needless to say a huge relief. Another one of the biggest relief's I've had is my absolute new favorite person, Michelle Chapman. Not only was she unbelievably kind by making this boy a beautiful Hawaiian blanket and burp cloths, she also gave me a TON of clothes to get me started with this little guy. She was so sweet to carry the bag full of clothes to my car after church that when I got home I had no idea how heavy it was. I literally had to drag it across my floor because it was so packed full. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU, Michelle. I don't think I can express how grateful I feel to have such a wonderful friend. She literally lifted a huge weight off of my shoulders. She probably has no idea how thankful I am... but she will now after reading this.

We had a really busy Mother's Day. We went to church at 11 and this time Mia stayed in Nursery. We have about a 40 % chance that she'll actually stay. Then we headed over to my mom and dad's house where we were able to talk to Elder Alo. It was really nice to talk to him. He sounded really well. It's funny cause we all talked to him on Christmas and he sounded like good 'ole Lane. But this time he sounded much more like a missionary. He is such an amazing example to me as a little brother. I look up to him a lot. I was also able to go through some of my old stuff that my mom had pulled out of the attic. Some lost "treasures" I guess you could call them. 2 of the funniest things was this wood napkin holder that i made in a woodworking class I took in 8th grade. It says "Kris". So naturally i gave it to my father-in-law to impress him. I told him it was to remind him that there's always room for improvement. I'm pretty sure he LOVED it :) The other thing I found was an old picture of me from Merry Miss when I was about 10. Um.... I really wish I could post this picture but I fear that many of you would throw up on your computers and I'd be completely responsible. Not only was this picture pretty terrible with a pioneer type dress, awesome Young Women's pendent my dad bought me without know it was for Personal Progress completion (about 5 years early) and some pretty wicked-awesome hair and glasses, underneath the picture it said, "I have unique talents". It pretty much should have said, "this girl is special".

One thing I am really excited about is that I am getting my hair done FINALLY on Thursday. It's gotten to the length of a horse's mane with about 5 inch roots hanging out up there. It's in need of some serious TLC. These prenatal vitamins make it grow so fast! I like it long, but DANG! My friend Stephanie is going to come over with her boyfriend and eat dinner with us and then work on this mane over here. I think we're going to darken it up again just so that it's lower maintenance. She always does such a good job.


Brittney said...

You are always so cute and beautiful when you are pregnant. When i was pregnant... well lets just say i was packing water like a camel! Im glad you're less stressed. If you need anything let me know.

Crystal and Brad Barger said...

The blanket is beautiful! That was very nice of your friend. I am glad Christian told you the name and I can't wait to find out the final decision. Everything with this baby will work out; you have friends and family to help kicks in too :)

Erin Marriott said...

That was really so sweet of Michelle. And I love that blanket! Dan left this morning for Kentucky and gets back tomorrow, so I'm up feeding Alli and checking blogs. I called you today to see if you were up for the dollar movie...but we never made it:) Maybe tomorrow we'll attempt it again. Your hair looks awesome, by the way.