Sunday, March 13, 2011


We have 2 fun things to share… most of you already know the news but I’ll put it into my own words anyways…

With BIG NEWS comes a BIG story… So, last Sunday I was at my whit's end. Let me back up, a few weeks before that I was talking with my good friend Erin about how “unstressed” I was about all of the changes going on. We were in the middle of finding out if Christian was getting into Med-School, having our 4th child, getting out house ready to sell, all of this on top of our usual routines plus callings, homework, you name it. So I was really holding it all together well. Until last Sunday, I thought I was going to cry at the drop of the hat. Every time those feelings would surface I’d push them back because I KNEW that if I shed one tear, the dam would burst! Sunday came and went. Monday was a little better. Busy… but I was able to spend some time with 2 really good friends and vent which always makes me feel better. The day starts to come to an end, we’re just finishing up dinner when the phone rings. Well, the kids are loud and noisy so Christian takes his call outside. I figure it’s for church. However, when he comes back inside he has the most elated look on his face. Like someone had just told him the FUNNIEST joke he’d ever heard. And then I hear the words, “I just got into Medical School.” I was a little baffled and said, “Really???”. And then…. THAT DAM BURST. I cried and boy, I needed to cry. It was a combination of the random thought of “I’m never going to see my husband again”, hormones (we’ll blame it on that), and all of the reality of the changes and sacrifices that are ready to be made. At the same time I felt what a huge blessing this was from our Heavenly Father. As soon as I got a good cry out I felt such a calm peaceful feeling come over me. A year ago, when Christian first applied to Medical School he got on the waiting list. And it was a waiting game, let me tell you, but we weren’t ready. We made some serious changes over the past year and it was like I was being comforted to know that those changes were not in vain. That my Heavenly Father listened and knew US and where we should be.  It’s super exciting, and super exhausting, and super over-whelming all at the same time. We have been busting our butts getting this house in good shape to sell, I’m full on pregnant now days where my stamina isn’t where it used to be. And I pushed it a little too hard this week and felt some strain from that. It’s a reminder that I really do need to try and take it easy. The kids know that Christian is going to “Dr. School” and have been very positive and supportive. I think they were hoping to move into a larger house, but they know that a smaller one will probably be more likely. Landen, of course, has no clue what’s going on.

On to the next BIG NEWS… and equally exciting. And actually, we found this our first so I’m just going a little backwards. We had been talking over whether or not to find out if this baby is going to be a boy or a girl. Well Christian thought it’d be fun to make it a surprise. Not so much fun for me. I needed a solid. Something I could grasp onto with all the craziness going on. So, I won. As tradition would have it we all went to my Ultrasound appointment. We kept Kalea out of school and headed on over. On a side note, we had all guessed we were having another boy. It felt right and we all agreed Landen needed a little brother to play with. When we arrived the kids played for a few minutes while we waited. Once we made our way back Landen was a tad bit confused. And then as soon as I hopped onto the table Landen was ticked. He kept yelling “NO MOMMY! NO!” He didn’t like me being up there one bit. He calmed after a few minutes and we began exploring with our technician. Everything was PERFECT and couldn’t have asked for a better looking baby. Another side note, I felt the baby kicking and moving ALL MORNING LONG so I just KNEW that the baby would be sound asleep when we went to find out the gender, which is never good. So we poked and prodded my belly until we got our sleeping giant to awaken. Finally those little legs moved and what did we find? ANOTHER GIRL!! Can you believe it? We were all DEAD WRONG! In shock, each and every one of us, Christian says “Well buddy, It’s just me and you.” I wasn’t prepared to hear that it was a girl. I was SO SURE!! Once the initial shock went away, i found myself calling her “she”. And I’m lucky that I have saved ALL of the girl’s clothes. The season’s will be a little bit off, but It’s nice to know that we will have what we need. Wow, 3 girls… 1 boy. Christian’s next comment? “Now we HAVE to have more kids. Landen can’t be the only boy.” Oh boy…. I mean girl. (too cheesy?)

1 comment:

Lisa and company said...

Kristi- I just wanted to tell you that you have grown up to be a remarkable person! Your family is beautiful and I am excited for your new addition. You guys make super cute babies!!!
Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy and the move and med school.