Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Just random stuff that has come to my attention lately....

I think I watch too much t.v. and I blame it on YOU! DVR! I can't keep up with half of the stuff that I record and try to watch. So I must bid farewell to...
CSI Miami
CSI New York
90210 (that show just sucks anyways)
Dr. Phil
The rest of you may stay but will remain nameless. Thank you.

My husband cleans up REALLY well when he wants to. Christian had a big presentation today and came home looking all spiffy. I looked at him funny and he said, "what?". And I said, "Nothing. You look good." (in my most monotone voice). the end.

Landen has started "crawling". If you could call it that. But it is so cute to see him see something, set his mind to it, and accomplish this very complex task of movement. He's such a sweetie!

Kalea loves to speak VERY LOUDLY. I have to constantly tell her that we're in the same room and that she doesn't need to yell at me. Mia on the other hand sometimes speaks so quietly that I tell her to speak up. Unless of course she's throwing a tantrum of some sort. Then I throw a book at her. Kidding... kidding.

Today I went to Target and had all 3 kids with me, naturally. A nice lady who works there made a comment about how I had my hands full today. I joked and said that I have my hands full everyday. Then I got a "well bless your heart." When really she was thinking... sucks to you be you :)

Also, when leaving Target I had a grocery cart that needed to be put away. A nice older man who noticed that I was putting 3 little tykes into the car came by and asked if he could help by taking my cart back for me. I was a little surprised and smiled and thanked him. Chivalry is alive!!
I was returning a movie to the RedBox at Harris Teeter. When I was trying to cross from the store back into the parking lot a very HUGE truck with an obnoxious antennae stopped to let me cross. The guy apparently had one of those megaphone walkie talkie systems in his car because as soon as I started to cross he whistled into it in front of EVERYONE in the parking lot (it was a saturday night so it was pretty busy there). I was soooo embarressed. But secretly I was thinking, "I still got it!" hahahaha! I told Christian and he just smiled and laughed.


KQ said...

Funny story about the guy whistling! I love when that stuff happens and boosts my ego. I was out with a friend the other night and a couple wanna-be cowboys started flirting with us. We played along for a while just to get in the front of the line, and then we dropped the, "Oh, my husband blah blah blah...". Funny. Sucks for them.

Erin said...

I'm glad you got cat called...that has got to be a good feeling. I figure I won't get another one of those until I let my hair grow and I stop looking like a boy:) I chopped it all off...

Funny post to read!