Monday, March 10, 2008


Here's a picture of my Belly at 16 weeks.

I've decided that I definitely prefer Baking over Cooking. Cooking feels more like an obligation while Baking is more of a creative expression with food. Plus anything baked is just way Yummier. Maybe it's just my screwed up way of thinking but I'd much rather bake cookies, muffins, any kind of sweet bread then make dinner. But of course you can't feed your family on junk food. So I better start loving cooking because it is much more of a necessity.

I've also realized that my pants are getting tight. So maybe baking isn't the way to go. Granted I'm pregnant, but that's no excuse! :) Today was my first day of trying to squeeeeze into pants that were about to BUST! What a milestone!... One I'd like to skip. How nice would it be if your waist, butt, and hips were to stay the same while the belly just grew. No such luck. So what did I do? I kept that button quietly unbuttoned and let everyone think that my skinny behind can still fit in them. Last week I went to the Doctor's for my monthly check up and a nurse weighed me in at a whopping 100lbs. I was waiting for her to say, "Lay off the baking." Instead she looked at me a little disgusted and had nothing to say to me for the rest of our 10 minutes together. If she knew that weighing triple digits is a challenge for me. Maybe next time I'll give her a heart to heart explanation. I'm sure she'll really care.

I've also been cleaning like CRAZY. I don't know if it's because Spring is coming and I'm SUPER excited or if I'm nesting already. But I'm ready for things to be Spotless! Kalea likes to be a my little helper but I've noticed Mia gets very mad when I try to clean up her toys. It's like she's got them EXACTLY WHERE SHE WANTS THEM. Too bad they're NOT where I want them. Her new favorite phrase to me is, "Shhh! Quiet!" For some reason she reserves that phrase only for me. And needless to say, Christian does NOT like that. She gets in trouble every time and yet she constantly decides to tell me when she thinks I'm talking too much. Ahhh... the joys of a 2 year old. I'm sure it'll only get better in her teenager years. On the plus side, she did go to Nursery on Sunday without much fuss. Once she realized I wasn't going to hold her she went and played. The only downside was that apparently some kid gagged and threw up and chaos of course erupted throughout the kids and she had to come back to us. But at least she knows she's losing the fight against nursery and has given in to going. Hopefully next week will last longer then 25 minutes.

I've also realized how much I LOVE my husband. I'm a very lucky girl to have him. And I'm sure this is going to embarrass him. I love being around him. We have so much fun when we're together. Life is good:) He makes me happy and I hope I do the same for him. Even though life can be such a struggle, I wouldn't want to do it with anybody else. I feel like he truly completes me as a person. I love being his wife (not so much his cook since I have A LOT to live up to). He's such a good dad and a really wonderful companion. I feel truly lucky to have him in my life and to be able to raise our daughters together. LOVE YOU CHRISTIAN!


Alice said...

Kristy-you are doing such a great job! You and Christian have such wonderful little girls. They are SO cute. The cooking will come with practice and patience :) It is hard to compete with Mother Simpson for sure...she would agree that cooking is not her favorite either; but you gotta eat! I would rather bake as well; it is much more fun to do. It is wonderful indeed when you remember that you have a great life and an equal to share it with. Love you!
Crystal Barger

Heidi said...

Kristy- You have such a beautiful family and a tiny belly! I wish it was hard for me to be in triple digits..Anyways that's its own story. I agree that baking can be more fun b/c it is more creative. Too bad we can't live off baked goods. :)

Unknown said...

Ummm. I like baking too. Muffins have been my weakness this pregnancy...we made peanut butter banana ones the other week and they were good!