Sunday, March 30, 2008


Two things you'll notice about these pictures: 1. They are AGAIN wearing their Easter Dresses cause they love them soooo much. (Yes, my children own more then one dress each) 2. There are 2 cake's involved and Mia loves to stick her finger in them to eat the icing

This has been the longest month of my life. With Mia's Birthday, Easter, Kalea's Birthday, pregnancy, and my church calling... I have felt a little more stressed, run down, exhausted.... need I go on? Needless to say I am happy this month is over and April begins with (hopefully) warm weather and lots of out door play time where I can relax a little.

We decided that since Kalea's birthday and Mia's birthdays are so close together that we'd do a joint "party" right smack in the middle of the 2. It was a fun time with my parents and some close friends that came by. Christian was determined that I DIDN'T spend a lot of money for this birthday. But I don't think anyone told my folks. They came and boy did they deliver. The girls got some really cool stuff from Grandma and Grandpa Alo (and Great Grandma and Grandpa Allen). The girls weren't exactly feeling camera happy (I think still tired from a sleep over at Aunt Cherre's house from Friday but that's another paragraph) but we got some cute pictures. We also watched Enchanted as a family which Kalea LOVES... as do I ... it's one of my favorites.

Since I already mentioned the sleep over... I'll elaborate. It was AMAZING. Oh... and I think the girls had a good time too. Cherre picked them up around 3pm. And we didn't get any crying phone calls of sad voices AT ALL. Christian and I were able to go out on a DATE. Yes, you heard me right. An actual date. And one where we didn't feel rushed to relieve a babysitter. We went out to eat and then got milk shakes afterwards.... AND THEN.... we rented a movie. It was awesome. The next morning I went and got a massage and bought a couple of new shirts that my fat belly can fit into. It was a surreal weekend to say the least. I'm not used to being so "alone". I told Christian multiple times throughout the evening that I was going thru withdrawal. I guess that's what being a full time mom is all about. Feeling empty without your children.

Oh... guess who's getting a new bathroom floor!! We are! Christian just started tiling our bathroom. I'm very excited. We've had no floor... and I do mean NO FLOOR.... for a year now. We had the sub floor and a piece of old carpet in the middle. Christian got going Friday after the girls left for a few hours. I asked him if it was hard... and he said "It sucks more then I thought it would". So hopefully that motivates him to finish soon so he can move on to something that sucks less. He's a regular Bob Vila.

*a work in progress*


Christy said...
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Heidi said...

Kristy, your girls are so cute! It's amazing that all we want is time alone and when we get it we go thru withdrawls...its funny like that. I hope april is a less stressful month for you. Tell you parents hello for me.