Friday, August 31, 2012



Our special little man had a birthday on August 18th! It just so happened we had Aunt Candice’s wedding and reception that same day. We celebrated his birthday a little late but it turned out to be a magical one. Why so magical? Because it was full of MAAARRRIOOOO!!

Landen was obviously in heaven. Christian bought every character under the sun. It was so funny to watch Landen pull out each out of the bag. He named them all without skipping a beat. I’m not sure if we’re feeding this unhealthy obsession or just letting a little boy be a boy. I guess time will tell.

Landen is an amazing part of our family. Not only because he is our only boy but he can make you laugh, smile, and crack up laughing. He also has a very tender heart to anyone who is sad or is having a bad day. He will quickly wipe away his mother’s tears when he sees she is sad and gives the biggest hugs. He loves to make his little sister laugh and he loves to terrorize his older sisters. He can play Mario Brothers better than me and has surpassed his sisters also. He has a big imagination, but it usually revolves around Mario of some kind. Even in his drawings of his family… we are all wearing a Mario hat. I adore this little boy (Landen, not Mario). He can be a handful, his tantrums are excruciating and his temper can be fierce. But he is mine. He is my little man who I adore over any other little man out there. He has a special place in my heart that can never be replace.

Happy 4th Birthday Landen






1 comment:

Doreen said...

WOW. I can tell by L's face that he could NOT have been more excited for all of those mario toys. I KNOW he was obsessed with ALL of them on his birthday and more than likely still is obsessed with all of them.