Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Alana has changed SO much. She have always been beautiful, but also a challenge in the very beginning. She got really sick when we first brought her home because we were all getting over a REALLY BAD stomach bug. Sadly, she got it too and that kind of set the tone for the first 3 months of her life. Super fussiness. However, she has done a total 180 and is the sweetest easiest baby now. She really only fusses when she’s sleepy now. THAT I can handle.


*Alana smiles at everything. All of the time.

* She no longer screams the minute we put her in the car seat. She may not like it, but she’ll fall asleep in the car, which is a HUGE success

*Alana has learned to scoot when on her tummy around the bed. She is strictly a crib napper now.

*She has learned to LOVE her daddy. He’s learned to love her right back.

*She only wakes up once a night for a feeding. Now we’re just working on her sleeping straight through the night.

*She follows her brother and sisters with her eyes all of the time taking in all of what they do.

*She’s a bit of a night-owl… which is nice since we can spend time with her one on one.

1 comment:

Crystal and Brad Barger said...

That is great for you that she is being a little more easy. She is precious to say the least. Anderson follows Spencer around all day long...crawling...but before he could crawl he would follow with his eyes and it scared me...and still does.