Tuesday, June 14, 2011


My good friend Leah asked me the other day, “So what else is going on besides the obvious.” I had to laugh and realize how obvious our topsy turvy lives have become. We have become so consumed with it that it must just look like a whirlwind to everyone else. I figure that I can finally take the time, sit down, and let everyone else partake of this chaos and what’s been going on.

So we put our house on the market back in March. We listed it sort of high,but still lower than the rest of the neighborhood. We got one or two listings. So we lowered it. When we lowered it, a miraculous thing happened, we’d get more showings! Just last weekend we got our first offer. It took some negotiating, but we were both able to be happy with the asking price. Now the real work begins though. We close on July 13th which means we’ll probably have a little “fix it” projects that they’ll want and then of course the moving part. Did I mention that I will be ZERO help lifting couches, tables, chairs, etc because I’m 33 weeks pregnant? My Hercules type strength will be have to be reserved for another time.

We will also be flying out for my brother Lane’s wedding in Utah in the next 2 weeks. I have very adventurous doctors who are ok with me flying out at 35 weeks and flying back at 36 weeks especially since I tend to have my babies early (38-39 weeks). So we will see…. I’m just hoping not to have a Utah baby. OH, and before all this we will be moved out of our house and moved in with my parents new house (yes, they just bought a new house too). When we get back from the Utah festivities we will hopefully be settled (until mid August) and be ready for the new baby…. who, by-the-way, will be named Alana Hazel Simpson. I’m really excited that the kids will have (hopefully) a month to get to know their new little sister before school starts.

I have already enrolled Kalea and Mia into their new school in Chapel Hill. We’re really excited for them to be attending this particular school because it has very high EOG scores and we have heard nothing but good things about Chapel Hill schools. The only downside (for me) is that it starts at 7:40 am. Yes… STARTS at 7:40 am. This is going to KILL ME (especially with a newborn and since I am NOT a morning person). So now the debate… bus or carpool, bus or carpool? We’ll see.

We move into our apartment in mid August…. the exact same day that Lane and Steph are having their wedding reception in NC. I think they hate me. Moving, plus newborn, plus wedding reception may end up in craziness, but we’re used that by now… right? The kids will have to adjust to a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment. 1100 square feet. It’ll be tight but I know we can do it. It’ll only be for 4 years. I’m actually excited about it. It’s a small sacrifice to make for Christian to be able to achieve a dream he’s wanted for years. It’s like a new adventure for us. And lately, everyday has become an adventure with us.

1 comment:

Hester Family said...

Your outlook is great, Kristy...keep blogging/journaling, because it will be a strength to you to remember these times that are coming- the blessings, the sacrifices, the love, the trials, the tears, the growth. It will be a great chapter in your marriage and family...just dont' forget to pray.