Saturday, June 25, 2011



  • So today is the last day in our home.
  • Our perfect little home that has been so good to us. It may have felt small at times, but it was ours.
  • We moved in when Mia was 8 months old. We brought Landen home from the hospital to our little home.
  • The girls have shared a bedroom for 4 years.
  • Landen and Mia both learned to walk here.
  • Kalea attended started elementary school here.
  • Christian worked at GSK, I worked 2 different jobs at 2 different times, and then finally became a stay at home mom.
  • Christian taught the girls how to play kickball in our back yard.
  • The kids have played countless hours in our backyard.
  • Every Friday was Pizza and Movie night.
  • Christian laid our hardwoods, painted every room, laid tile, and worked countless hours in the yard.
  • I cooked hundreds (if not thousands) of meals in the kitchen, woke up with sleepless babies, wiped away tears, and gave as many hugs and kisses I could fit in a day… all in this home.
  • We’ve celebrated birthdays, anniversaries, 5 Christmas’, and many get-togethers here.

If you can’t tell, we will sorely miss this house. It wasn’t just a house, it was our home. The memories are never lost and a new adventure is about to begin. I have mixed emotions. I am mourning the foundation of stability we have built upon this place for our children. I am mourning the fact that I am moving so far from such dear friends that I cherish and will miss. I am mourning so many things right now. But I am also celebrating. I am celebrating new beginnings and dreams coming true. I am celebrating my amazing husband who has worked so hard for us and now I feel like I can give back to him in a way that is uniquely ours. I am celebrating that we are about to bring a new child in our home, sent directly from heaven. I know she will bring us all a sense of calm and a sense of “family” during this trying time of adjustments. I am celebrating that even though I am leaving my home, that my home is where my children are. Where they bring me the most joy and happiness a person could ever ask for. So even though I am in mourning for this place, I am also celebrating. And I recognize where each and every one of my blessings comes from. And I am thankful.


1 comment:

leah said...

God bless. Makes me sorry, but still excited for your family. If walls could talk, they'd say the feeling is mutual. :)