Tuesday, May 3, 2011


We took the kids strawberry picking this Monday night for Family Home Evening. It was so fun because we met up with a bunch of other families from church. It was such a great idea! I’m really going to miss things like this when we have to move to a new ward. This ward has really turned into our family and they all mean so much to us. Anyways… enough of the sob story. There were a few things that were absolutely hilarious that happened. Mostly watching Landen for the first time. He kept calling them “cupcakes”… I have no idea why. And then he’d his scratchy monster voice and yell “A Big One Cupcake!!” He’d take one bite and then throw it back. We kept telling him to stop, but he didn’t listen. I think he may have taken a single bite out of 15 or more strawberries and then thrown them. On top of that, he didn’t understand that he had to walk OVER the strawberry plants to get into the next row and stomped right on everything. Ohhhh, that kid. We’ll never be invited back. The girls were right at home picking the berries. They liked to look for the “perfect strawberry”. No green or white tips, and they thought the doubled ones were ugly. Such girly girls. I brought my camera along because I couldn’t resist…

And They’re Off!


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