Sunday, May 8, 2011


YAY FOR MOTHER’S DAY!! I can remember back when Kalea was a newborn baby and Christian said to me “I didn’t know I had to do anything for you because you’re not MY mother.” So I was in tears, naturally, being a new mother. We created “Wife’s Week” for whenever he forgot Mother’s day. The following year he realized last minute that Mother’s Day was that Sunday and he made cookies… uh… they weren’t cookies. We had no sugar and no vanilla, but I do remember that he put a Hershey Kiss in the middle of it to try and make up for the lack of sugar. They were DISGUSTING.  And once again, Wife’s Week commenced. Well each year after has been a little bit better and a little bit better. Some years you could see it pain him. It’s been a 7 year process.

I do have to say that Mother’s Day is more of the father’s job until the kids are old enough to do something on their own. it’s a lot of pressure to do something for you wife to show that you appreciate her on this special day. I know some say that Mother’s Day shouldn’t be the only day that appreciation is shown. It isn’t… not if you look really hard at the little things your family does to show they love you each and every day. Some days you have to look a little harder, and some days you can be overwhelmed by the blessings your family brings into your life.

This year Christian went all out. It started with a date on Saturday night and going to out to eat. Just the two of us. We don’t do it very often. The last time may have been September actually. But we like to be home as a family especially since it seems like such a rarity as our schedules get busier. Anyways, afterwards we went and got our chocolate covered strawberry order from the Young Women.

The following morning Christian made breakfast for all of us (pancakes, bacon, etc.), gave me more chocolate, and presented me with my Mother’s Day gift. I feel absolutely spoiled by how sweet and special he made me feel this day. The girl’s also sang to me at church with the rest of the Primary (which of course brought tears to my eyes – good thing I was prepared with waterproof mascara), gave me cards and paper flowers that they made. The day couldn’t have been better. I really do cherish my family. They are my absolute world. My solid in this world of chaos and confusion. They have been the biggest blessing in my life along with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Being able to hold these two things dear to me has given me meaning and purpose.


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