Sunday, November 28, 2010


OHHH… you know… a little of this, a little of that. Mostly running around like crazy trying to keep up with my little (and not so little) ones. Here’s a few events to help catch you up.

Event 1:

Mia and Landen had a Joy School activity a little while back. We went to Shelley Lake and fed the ducks. It was a little chilly and breezy but still fun for the kids. Landen screamed and cried when it was time to go. I had to drag him to the car. But would you really expect anything less?IMG_0008

Just a few of the kids who showed up. (I had to take pictures of the group in shifts and apparently forgot to download the rest to my computer…. and now I’m just being lazy.)

Funny Story… So we’re walking up from the Lake to the park and we see a Police Officer riding a horse. Well you don’t see that everyday. So the kids are in awe and I take a picture with my sunglasses on. Then when I hear him talk it throws me off. Uh… turns out this particular officer is someone I went to High School with. Awkward?… yea, a little. We said hi and went on our separate ways. IMG_0022


We went Owl-a-Watchin. Mia had a little 3 day camp about Nocturnal Animals at the Blue Jay County Park this November. Along with it they were doing a little evening event with owl crafts, facts, a little walk on the trail in the dark lit by lanterns, and hot chocolate. Sounds fun, right? WRONG! Landen chooses this night to be AWFUL. I’m talking screams that filled the woods, trying to run away, tantrums out the wazoo. It was embarrassing and terrible. Too bad, the girls enjoyed it… i think. They made a craft. Drank Hot Chocolate that looked like poop water. And we did about 1/2 of the trail. They weren’t too upset when it was time to go… all things considered.


*drinking the poop water* IMG_0023 IMG_0024

*Landen chose Apple Juice… the only time he wasn’t screaming.*IMG_0025
*Can you see the crazy in his eyes?* IMG_0026 

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