Friday, July 2, 2010


Back in March right before Easter we had an Easter Egg hunt. A HUGE amount of stay-at-home moms came with all their young ones and brought 10 eggs for each child they brought. We all met at Shelley Lake and played, ate lunch, and hunted for eggs. I met a few mom’s that I hadn’t met before. One of those mom’s was Sara Rodriguez who I’d never met before, but our humor was similar and laughed and joke a bunch. I know her sister but had never met Sara before. She brought 2 of her own children and another little boy named William. William was her son’s best friend and he came along for the Easter egg hunt. Sweet boys. They played and ran around without a care in the world. You could tell these boys had a very special friendship and a special bond. Sara asked me if I wouldn’t mind taking pictures of William for her because she had forgotten her camera. I told her I would be glad to. Then she informed me that William had terminal cancer. He had been diagnosed at the age of 5 years old. He battled it once, and was in remission. But he and his family had just found out the cancer was back and the news was bleak for Williams future. He had less then a year. So I was able to follow this amazing child, full of life and having so much fun with his best friend, around with my camera. I’m sure the boys thought I was getting in their way of playing making them stop and smile for the camera. I only met William that one day. We chatted a bit, he walked with Sara and I and our children and talked with us. He also decided it’d be fun to walk backwards in front of my stroller as we walked up and down hill. We went down to the Lake to feed the ducks where the boys went under the bridge to get closer to the ducks. They tossed cereal, chips, bread, whatever was on hand and played without a care in the world.

I was only able to meet William once. I didn’t know what an impact he would have on my life. Later on, a few months had passed and Christian and I were watching the news where William was being honored by the Raleigh Police Department being made an honorary officer. His dream was to be a Police Officer as he got older and the Police Department was able to make that dream come true for him. He looked thinner but it was still the same William I had seen. More time passed and Christian emailed me an article to that was published in the News and Observer saying an honorary police officer had passed away. I didn’t know immediately who it would be until I read. My heart stopped for a moment and I thought of that sweet boy who’s path crossed with mine. While only briefly, it’s something I’ll hold close to me. William taught me how short this life can be. How precious our children are to us. Not only my own, but the children of others. These perfect, innocent children who come here to learn and grow. Who we are here to watch over and take care of until a time when they are to return to their Father in Heaven. Whether that be in their youth or as they age, it is our job to teach them. To be an example to them. To serve them in whatever way we can. To be their keeper. William is now with his Father in Heaven. My heart goes out to his parents who I know love their little boy dearly. Who cherish every minute they had with William. And I’m thankful I was able to snap a few pictures for them. But mostly I’m thankful that William and I met and for what he has taught me. william

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1 comment:

Fisher Crew said...

Wow. That was an incredible story and literally made me cry. I am always wondering, "what would I do if that were my child." Thanks for your testimony and the beautiful message.