Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Well hello there! It’s been awhile. I have an excuse… life.  That’s a pretty lame excuse, but we have been so ridiculously busy around here. I’ll start with 4th of July Weekend. Since it was on a Sunday this year we were on the fence about going to see fireworks this year.Plus they don’t get started until around 9pm which is way past bedtime around here. However, it was a great family activity to just sit and enjoy each other’s company. Landen decided to steal anybody’s ball who came remotely close to us. It was all fun and games until he realized he couldn’t keep them. Then the tantrums and devastation set in. Finally the fireworks began and they kept Landen’s attention for a little while. But he was so tired that he wanted nothing to do with them.IMG_0073IMG_0052











I was able to take some cool pictures of the fireworks this year. My awesome teacher, Steve, taught us how to set up a tripod and what camera settings to use. The pictures turned out pretty cool, if i do say so myself. IMG_0090











So that Monday morning we were planning on leaving for the beach for the week. We only had one obstacle in the way. Mia needed some dental work done and the only day available for it was Monday. So bright and early Mia and I woke up and went to to get some fillings at 8am. Kalea and Mia have soft teeth, like their Mom. Which sucks for them, and for us financially. Mia did great and was ready to leave the dentists by 10am. We made a side trip to get a chocolate milkshake (since she couldn’t eat anything before or after her appointment) and headed home. Christian had everything ready, so we loaded up the car and off we went. The trip to the beach was relatively easy. Landen passed out for the first hour and woke up super happy. The girls wore headsets for their “in-flight movie” and Christian and I enjoyed a little peace and quiet. We showed up a little early before check in and ended up shopping and swimming before we got in our room.

The girls are champs with their water wings and are pretty fearless with them on. A few things we learned while swimming:
Landen- is also FEARLESS with water wings on. Which is terrifying to me and I had to keep chasing him around the pool.
Kalea- is super skinny and so if Christian throws her up in the air. The wing comes flying off her skinny arm when she lands in the water.
Mia- does not trust her dad nearly enough to jump too or from him in the water. Smart Girl.

The girls found a tree frog in the pool and we got him out. They enjoyed carrying him around and petting him. The tree frog died of shock or chlorine. One of the two. The girls were wondering why he wasn’t moving anymore. I told them the tree frog was sleeping and needed a rest from them. Sorry Tree Frog.

Obviously we didn’t spend all our time at the pool. The beach is our families haven. We all love it. Christian and I have always loved the beach, so we’ve always taken our kids when they are rather small. Kalea and Mia both went at 4 months old. Landen’s first trip was at a year old. They love the sand, the water, and this year the minnows. The kids LOVED trying to catch little minnows that would come up with the waves to the shore. We were able to catch a few in buckets, but those little suckers are fast. Christian was the first to catch one. I caught 3. Cause I’m awesome. However, at one point Christian caught another one, and of course I berated him and he said, “I actually just caught 13 but I let 12 of them go.” Dork. It must be hard when your wife shows you up.
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Landen loved the water. He went out with Christian once or twice in the waves. He quickly realized he likes the water when his feet are firmly planted in the sand. But nevertheless, this kid was made for the beach. Mia is a little more like me. Kind of a worrier with the waves. I’ve never been super comfortable out in the waves. I don’t like that I can’t see what’s under the surface, and the waves are so powerful that I have a terrifying respect for them. Mia would get pretty worried at Kalea or Landen. At one point she picked up Landen and went running with him because a big wave was coming up onto the sore. She of course tripped and fell and smacked his head and her onto the sand. IMG_0422IMG_0732
Christian and Kalea found their true calling together. They ride waves. Christian did mention that “She makes me sink.” So until she can do it solo, daddy will have to be her surf board. She did LOVE it though. She has always surprised Christian and I how adventurous she can be. She loves to do things that most girls her age wouldn’t dare try. I’m pretty sure she has Salt Water in her veins.

On one of the last nights I wanted to get a family picture. Of course it would be the evening the clouds would roll in, the humidity would go up 310% and I think you can tell by the pictures how ENTHUSIASTIC everyone was. (Especially Christian.)

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By Friday I told Christian that I could have stayed longer. Usually I’m ready to head home and start my routines again, but this trip was so relaxing and care free that I could have stayed forever. I’m pretty sure I know where we will be retiring one day… with NO forwarding address. :)






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