Saturday, June 12, 2010



Kalea: Can I have some flamingo?
Christian: Kalea, it’s a MANGO.
Kalea: Ohhh, mango.
(couple of minutes later)
Kalea: Can I have some more flamingo?

Christian likes to call me napkin.
Background: Landen likes to wipe his hands on me constantly. Whether it be food particles, dirt, sand, grass… doesn’t matter. If it’s stuck on his hands, he wipes it on me.
Landen was eating some toast today and took his toast off of the paper towel, balled it up, and threw it away.
Christian’s commentary: “He doesn’t need 2 napkins.”
Someone thinks he’s a comedian.
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So Kalea is officially done with her first year of school. Goodbye Kindergarten, HELLO summer vacation. Kalea is pretty excited by this. I on the other hand have to find things for the next 3 months that will consume her active mind. Isn’t that what teachers are for? Just kidding. She was initially pretty sad to leave her teacher, Mrs. Miller who she ADORED. She would leave each day from class to go to her bus and half way down the hall way she’d run back up and give Mrs. Miller an extra hug.

Kalea had her Kindergarten Graduation and we were thoroughly entertained. Christian took off work, and we all went and listened to these cutie pies sing songs and were handed a diploma for finishing up a successful year. Yes, I almost cried. I’m such a sap. But it was so sweet to see how proud all these sweet children were of themselves. Luckily I held it in for fear of ridicule from Christian. Here’s
our little graduate.


IMG_8772*We’re so proud of how well Kalea has done this year. She really has loved school, loved reading, and loved learning.* 
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Now that the Summer heat has arrived, it’s time for a pool. One nice thing about our neighborhood is that there is no HOA. However, it would be well worth it if our neighborhood had a POOL . Christian took the girls last Saturday to pick out a wading pool. He brought home a beast. It’s 1/2 the size of our brick patio and the kids (and I) love it.



Oh, that reminds me…
So the other day Christian and I were looking at old pictures of me from high school. I, like most girls, thought I was super cute in high school. Christian however had a different opinion of my pictures.  His one comment that stood out, “Ugh, you got prettier as you got older.”  Thanks, I think. You’re not so bad yourself.
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One of the biggest things that I’m having fun with is my ever growing love of photography. I use that term loosely, since I’m still learning and figuring out my camera. I started my classes and have been twice. The teacher is pretty cool, definitely knows what he’s talking about, but is a burn out. He talks super slow probably from smoking that gange (weed) his whole life (pretty sure he was a hippie). I’m really enjoying it, despite the slow speech. I’ve also been busy taking pictures for people just as practice. I was able to do some cute pictures with Alice and her kids for Father’s Day. (She assured me that Cletus never reads my blog, so I’m not spoiling any surprises by posting this. Thanks Cletus.)  Anyways, the pictures turned out really cute and I had fun hanging out with Alice and my nieces and nephew. Here are a few: (oh yea, these were taken at a cute park in Zebulon called Little River… it’s so peaceful and serene.)

{i LOVE this one of Alice. Doesn’t she look gorgeous?!}IMG_9288



katie said...

Fun times! What great pics, they really are good!

Hester Family said...

You do have a lot of talent with the camera...and that is a great photo of Alice!

Christy said...

AAAHHHH!! I love love love that first photo you too for them, the lighting is perfect....sigh. Great job!

Christy said...

Oh, I noticed you're taking your classes through Wake Tech, that's where I took mine. Who's your teacher??