Friday, April 30, 2010


So Landen got his new bed… well, not so much new… very, very used bed is more like it. His cousins used it first and then it was passed down to Kalea. Then to Mia. You get the idea. But it’s in really good shape. IMG_7216

Look at the smile. Looks thrilled doesn’t he. Don’t let him fool you, he hates it. He refuses to sleep in it unless I am sleeping on the floor next to him or literally sitting on his bed rubbing his back while he lull’s to sleep. He has some SERIOUS separation anxiety. It’s ridiculous. However, I am such a pushover with this guy that and I hate to hear him cry. Last night was the first night I let him cry it out. I went outside into the garage with Christian while he worked out so I didn’t have to listen to it. 45 minutes later we came back in and Landen was out cold… by the door. I didn’t dare open up for fear of awakening the beast. He woke up again at 2am and cried for almost an hour. But I held my ground and didn’t go in there. He woke up for the last time at 6:30 am and cried. I did go in there this time because I didn’t want Kalea to wake up too early for school and be a zombie the rest of the day. (Yes, the girls can sleep thru his tantrums).  I’m hoping the more he gets used to it, the less he screams. Kalea and Mia both went through the sleeping-by-the-door phase also, so I don’t worry about that one.

On a side note, there was a tall shelf (over 6 feet) in his room. It’s not expensive, it’s not solid wood, and it’s not nice in any way, but it’s useful. Anyhow, we knew it needed to be removed from Landen’s room because it was just a matter of time that he would try and climb on it or pull books out of it. So we moved it into our bedroom upon my request. I emptied it and Christian moved it. He didn’t like it there so he brought it downstairs into the toy room. Have you ever SEEN OUR TOY ROOM?!  It is packed full beyond belief… piano, toys, large moving objects, etc. I DID NOT WANT IT THERE. Mostly because the books on the shelf are church books and are important to me and I didn’t want the kids to think they owned that too. It turned into an heated discussion ( I did most of the talking). So Christian went and sat on the couch and watched tv…and I went a little ballistic (not gonna lie). Suddenly I was Samson, or Zena, or Goliath, whoever you want to use as a reference. And all 5’1, 98 lbs of me picked up this shelf and carried it up our flight of stairs back into our bedroom. (Christian said he looked over at me and thought, “Kristy’s officially gone crazy.”) And put it back into our room in a different spot then the original spot picked and started loading the books back on it. It’s not the most attractive thing in our room, however it’s not in the way and it’s in a decent spot where the books are accessible. Moral of the story: well, there is none. But it does remind me of people who suddenly have super human strength and can lift cars to save children. Not quite the same, but whatever. rawr.


Lisa and company said...

oh and my word verification is trial- hmmmmmm
I love love love the pictures at the top of your blog too. Your kids are stinkin adorable!

Crystal and Brad Barger said...

You make me laugh. You are pretty strong though. Not many people can flex their biceps and little golf balls pop up! Good times!