Friday, February 19, 2010


This Valentine’s Day/Weekend was CARRAAAZZZYY!! Not only did we celebrate it I also worked like a mad woman at Sullivan’s. The girl’s were so excited to send out their valentine’s to their friends and we attached little Dum Dum’s to each card. Mia had her own little Joy School party to attend which was fantastic. The kids got to decorate their own bags for their goodies, and then decorate and eat some awesome cupcakes. Being one of the few boys, Landen really enjoyed himself and gave a little v-day hug to Miss Olivia. Kalea had her own little party at school that she attended and came home with her own goodies. However, after closer inspection we noticed that many of the kids had given her “Kanye’s” cards instead of Kalea’s. Close enough for Kindergarteners, right??

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*Attempting to hug Olivia, she wasn’t having it though.*

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Christian and I had a great Valentine’s Day ourselves, we celebrated on Friday and Sunday… cause my husband is extra awesome. On Friday we went and saw New Moon…FINALLY! And then I had to work on Saturday and Sunday evenings which kicked my butt! Sunday Christian woke me up at noon with steak and a baked potato before my next shift started. Considering I had gone to bed at 3am and had to work at 3pm the next day, it was an EXHAUSTING weekend. I’m not going to brag about how much I made… let’s just say it was A LOT! Christian also surprised me with 2 scented candles and lingerie (which I think was for him, not me.) My gift to him? Not spending any money… that’s true love right there.

Okay… so after purchasing 2 dud camera’s that we were less then thrilled with, Christian hit the Jack Pot and bought a Canon Rebel XSi… which I LOVE. I have no clue how to use it besides to point and shoot, but the pictures turn out lovely nonetheless. So as soon as I got the camera from the mailman I started snapping at.. who else… my kiddos.

*YES… that is a Jimi Hendrix t-shirt my kid is wearing*

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*Kalea was cheesing it up real good that night*

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*Someone’s hiding*

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And lastly, I think I’m ready for Spring… cause I made flower hair clips for the girls. They're pretty awesome.

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Three Men and a Little Lady said...

Where'd you get the flowers to make them??

Crystal and Brad Barger said...

So crafty! I'm sure the girls love those flowers! I really think Landen looks like Christian so much...obviously he looks like you too, but he really favors his daddy! He'll be a heart breaker, along with the two girls too. I picked Mia up last night and I thought I was going to break my back. She is solid LEAD!