Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I’m not sure why we have all these strange pictures of my kids sleeping… but I thought I’d collaborate them and share!

summer09 053

All 3 kids worn out… nothing better.

halloween 024 Kalea napping at the foot of our bed

kalea4 063 

Mia snuggling and then deciding to nap on me

Christmas2007 060 

This is one of my favorites… Mia sleeping and half standing.

aquarium trip 2009 001

Mia sleeping in the closet… I think she had gotten in trouble and was in time out. I went looking for her and freaked out a little bit cause she wasn’t in her room.  Then I opened the closet door and found her here.

thumbsucker 003

This is when chubby baby Landen used to suck his thumb. He’s so stinkin adorable!!


Mia fell asleep in her car seat after church. This is where and how she ended up afterwards.

Memorial Day 016

Landen fell asleep on Aunt Cherre’s lap on the boat.  He looks like a little turtle in his shell.

Spring08 056

And Lastly… HANDS DOWN MY FAVORITE… This is how we found Kalea and Mia one night after putting them to bed. Mia had climbed up onto Kalea’s bed and apparently they had played until they dropped… literally… where they were.


Brittney said...

your kids are so darling! I loved all the pictures! Lily fell asleep yesterday on the floor in a frog position, but didnt have any panies on... so I decided to keep that one off the blog!

Crystal and Brad Barger said...

I love each of those pictures. They are too funny! I know growing up we Simpson could fall asleep anywhere... They really do crash wherever and don't care.

Hester Family said...

Those are hilarious! You guys catch some good moments.