That’s pretty much what December did… it zoomed on by. I think I was there for most of it, but I honestly am not sure. Lots of things happened…. I started back at a new/old job, Christian and Kalea had 2 weeks off, and I’m pretty sure Santa came one of those nights too.
I was able to take Kalea and Mia to Disney on Ice early in December. They went with their cousins, Mackenzie and Caroline, and my sis-in-law Cherre. We had a great time! We started our evening eating homemade pizza that Cherre made for everyone, and then drove over to the RBC Center and evening of Disney goodness.

Christmas was busy busy busy as usual. I had to work Christmas Eve but ended up getting home at 9:30 so we could open one present before the arrival of Santa. The girls were so excited and went to sleep promptly afterwards. The next morning Santa definitely delivered and the girls were read to tear into all of the color wrapping under the tree. Landen spent his time carrying around 2 suckers from See’s Candy. He knew what the good stuff was.
We also spent time at Grandma and Grandpa Alo’s house and Grandmother and Grandpa Simpson’s home. I think we were all pretty exhausted by the end of the evening.
Lane was able to come home from Hawaii and it was his first Christmas back since his mission. The kids really loved having their Uncle Lane around to joke around with and attack. Lane and I took the girl’s to go see Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs which they LOVED. I think Lane and I loved it just as much. Mia and Kalea said they wanted to go to another movie right after. Which we DID…. not. Anyways, life has been undoubtedly busy and at times exhausting with trying to balance the kids, the holiday’s, work schedules, etc. Oh… and PS… I am currently re-employed at Sullivan’s Steakhouse in downtown Raleigh again. So let the tips roll in, and the exhaustion begin.