Sunday, October 4, 2009


Landen has turned into quite a character. He loves to hide things including pacifiers, toys, cooking utensils, etc. He also loves to empty every single kitchen towel and bib we own out of their drawers. What a funny little guy. He has also started saying more words which is fun to hear. He says mama, dada, oh, this, and hi. He also is the king of tantrums… already! There are days when I’m pretty sure he and Mia are the same person, different gender. He’s sooo funny though. Whenever I watch So You Think You Can Dance… he watches the entire show with me and dances his little booty off. He loves it. That goes with any show though, he loves to dance. He also loves to just sit on my lap and snuggle with me. He’ll stay there for over 20 minutes just chillin with Mommy. What a sweet boy. This is where I found him the other day. Just sitting in the toy bin happy as a clam. He struggled a little to get out… dumping everything as he tumbled… completely unphased. Did I mention that this kid also LOVES HIS DADDY! Which is nice for me cause the girls have always been so clingy since being in my womb. He loves to be outside with Christian while he does yard work. When Christian gets home from work he screams and yells at Christian until he picks Landen up.


An update on Kalea and Mia. Kalea is really enjoying school. She is making some great friends and I enjoy listening to hear her stories about her friends when she gets home. When asked what she learned at school today her response is always, “I’m too tired to tell you. I’ll tell you later.” Grrreeeatt… not even a teenager and already doesn’t want to communicate with me. Kalea is a “people pleaser” though and I think her teachers are realizing this. She is a very good listener and is very attentive in her class.

Mia has adjusted well to Kalea being gone most of the day and week. I think she really likes that she doesn’t have to share me, her toys, and the t.v. Her new favorite show is Strawberry Shortcake which we started recording for her Saturday mornings. She loves it. She still pays very little attention to Landen unless he’s aggrivating her. But I’m sure as they both get a little older that will change.

Christian has received his MCAT score. He scored a 31 which is in the 80-85th percentile. We were very excited to hear he did so well. He’s still waiting on Carolina and Wake Forest to hear if they’ll send him his secondary application. Each school does it a little differently. Apparently Carolina only sends you your secondary application if you’ve also been accepted for an interview. However, Christian has already finished his secondary application for ECU. Still waiting on Wake Forest though. Keep your fingers crossed!

Oh.. me? I’m doing well. Not pregnant, thank goodness! Just kidding folks. I’m busy with work and the 3 kids and 1 grown up kid. :) I think I have a harder time waking up in the morning to get Kalea ready for school then she does. It’s been an adjustment. My allergies hate me… I LOVE FALL but it does not love me. My throat swells and my nose is gross. But other then that I’m healthy and well.


Three Men and a Little Lady said...

I hope I can do as good as you at 3 kids...if I ever make it out the door to anything fun for them anymore.

Brittney said...

Landon looks so big! I cant believe how old he is getting! Miss you guys.

Crystal and Brad Barger said...

That pic of Landen is so cute! Looks like he is nude :0 ha ha ha

katie said...

your kids are so cute! what a fun family:)

Lisa and company said...

he is wayyyy too cute!

Christy said...

Your kids are growing so fast! I know what you mean about fall. I walk around in an allergy medicated stupor most of the time.

Jamie Jensen Hill said...

Congrats to Christian on his MCAT score!! Wow! And you need to post a video of Landen dancing!