Monday, July 6, 2009


HOLY CRAP! It's been almost a month since my last post.  And since I usually post about events and my kids I've decided to post about MEEEE!!! (lucky u)

PS --> We did go on vacation (if you could call it that with 3 young kids) to the beach for a week, but before that, I felt VERY unmotivated to blog.  Mostly because a. Landen cut 3 teeth in a week (yikes!). b. Mia throws tantrums at least 23 times a day. and c. Kalea likes to question "WHY????" with everything I tell her. So life has not exactly been cake.  But I will post pictures of life a little later on... okay.... back to me ;)

1. I am HUGE into fragrance and my absolute favorite for my home is Febreze Lavender Vanilla and Comfort.  If you haven't smelled this.... YOU ARE MISSING OUT!  It is soooo relaxing and wonderful in every way.  They make this scent in candles, spray, Swiffer mop liquid, Air Freshener, dryer sheets... EVERYTHING!  LOVE IT!!

2. My second HUGE obsession would be Dr. Pepper.  I remember tasting it when I was a kid and my mom trying to deter it from me... due to the caffeine of course.  However, it was love at first taste.  I did mention to her one day, "Is it bad when it starts to taste like water cause I drink it so often?"  And she just kinda glared at me.


3.  Sometimes I say pretty stupid stuff.  I like to compare it to "word vomit".  It's almost like I don't know it's happening and then I just start talking and not making a whole lot of sense.  But I do have to say that I LOVE the way Christian looks at me when I say something particularly airhead-ish.  It's almost this endearing/baffled/pitied look that I get.  But there is always... ALWAYS... love behind those eyes of his.  Sometimes he has to ask me if I'm being serious cause he can't tell if I'm really that dumb.... and usually I have to act like it was all a big joke.... but it usually isn't.

4.  I absolutely love it when someone calls me Kristy Alo.  It just takes me back and it almost feels freeing.  HAHA!  (it's true though.)

5.  I really love being Hawaiian.  I know what you're thinking.... who wouldn't love it?   :)  Even though I'm just partially Hawaiian and I'm a huge "mutt"  it is something that I cherish and hold dear to me.  What's funny is that sometimes Christian likes to get under my skin and tell me that I'm "barely" Hawaiian.  And then there are times when Christian goes out of the way to tell people that I have Hawaiian blood.  It makes me want to smack him and to tell him to make up his mind! 

6. I used to be kind of a spit fire.  I use the term "used to be" loosely.  But even when Christian and I were dating... Cletus and Alice knew me from my high school years and Cletus mentioned to Christian.  "She isn't very nice... is she?"  It kind of cracks me up.  But I've definitely been trying to make up for my sassiness as I've gotten older.  Definitely try to be nicer and not quite so out of control.  Trying being the definitive word here.  I remember my junior year when I was a hostess at a restaurant I used to come home annoyed because I had to smile and be nice to people all evening long that it would make my face hurt.  

7. I like only being 5'1 (almost 5'2).  I've always been child size.  Wouldn't have it any other way... even when I get the stares from people who think I'm a 16 year old hauling around 3 kids. And I almost always wear flats cause I don't really care that I look like a munchkin.  Who needs long legs?

That's all I can think of for now.... to be continued....


katie said...

you are so cute!

Kristin said...

I love living in Texas because you can get caffeine-free NOT DIET Dr. Pepper at every store. I love it!

And despite what you say, you're still sassy :)