Friday, April 11, 2008


Well as most of you know how Kalea fell down the stairs a little over a month ago. It absolutely terrified me since I was at work and was not able to be there for her. She took 3 steps and fell the rest of the way... Luckily she only suffered a small cut on her head and nothing else. Well Mia had her turn this week. She fell ALL THE WAY down the stairs. She is fine also. She has some bruising next to her eye and scratched her finger up, but that is all. It has gotten to the point where I am terrified of my children even walking down the stairs now. I have to be with them every time and have pulled out the baby gate and made them stay with me unless they tell me they want to go up. Christian is going to install a child-sized railing for them to hold onto so it's not just a hand on the wall. I would really want to see our stairs get carpeted but we really don't have the money for that. Plus I know Christian is not thrilled with the idea. But I feel like carpet has more traction then just hardwood stairs. I've NEVER fallen all the way down on carpeted stairs. The carpet seems to give you a little more footing. I guess I'm just showing my frustration on here because this is our children's safety here. It's so scary to know that something worse could have happened to them both. They seriously could have been injured with broken bones, concussions, any number of things. Children can fall and die from a fall down the stairs. It just terrifies me and completely stresses me out. I want my children to be safe and sometimes I hate the fact that I can't protect them from everything.

1 comment:

Hester Family said...

You guys have the most awesome blog! I have to admit that I don't listen to the radio all that much, so when I checked out your blog tonight and the radio came on, I was so surprised I looked around my bedroom to see who had turned it on--Tim is on a campout with the little ones, so I was really freaked out--but just for a moment. Then I realized how cool you guys are and figured Kristy had made this amazing thing happen! I really love to read your blog- sorry about the tumbles. Wilford tumbled down ours about 3 steps into it at 6:30am about a year ago and I was still in bed- but the terror in Tim's voice as he called Wilford's name really made me sick and I jumped out of bed with a worst-case scenario in my mind already. I'm glad the girls are okay...and you are blessed to have a handyman!